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Music Releases
Posted by Sujin0 pt Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Join LEAD Live on UStream!


If you're online, you can join/see Lead as they are streaming on UStream for the release of their 17th single, "SPEED STAR."

You can tune in tomorrow 7/29 at 2:10AM (PST) for the new live broadcast.

If you don't have a UStream account, you can always go to Vision Factory's website and watch as they have it on their main page.

On 7/27, 7AM (PST) / 7/27 10PM (JST), the group did a live feed on niconico as fans from all over the world tuned in to see the boys. They also did a special listener's call where they had two quizes and the caller had to use the QR code on their cell phones and the lucky winner got to 'chat' with them for 1 minute (it was really just to answer the question) and if answered correctly they won a prize.

source: vf

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