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Posted by Sujin0 pt Monday, August 30, 2010

Forever 21 takes over HMV landmark


We reported earlier that HMV Shibuya was closing its doors on August 22, but nobody knew what was set to take over the landmark...until now.

One of America's most famous stores, Forever 21, will take over the six stories. What was once a haven for music lovers, and one of the most famous landmarks in Shibuya, will now be taken over by fashionistas. The store is set to open by the beginning of January 2011.

There are currently four Forever 21�s in Tokyo: Harajuku, Ginza, Lalaport, and Shinjuku. Shibuya will be the fifth store and the biggest one with its six floors.

So if you're ever in Japan and can't find what you're looking for at one location of Forever 21, you now have four more locations to get your fix from.

  1. FOREVER-21
  2. HMV
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