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Posted by Sujin0 pt Sunday, August 29, 2010

Japanese men want working women


In a recent survey, Japanese men have shown to prefer the working girl over the housewife.

A study was taken of 1,252 unmarried, employed men and women, and more than half (53.8%) of the women said they would become housewives if their husbands were able to provide for the child and herself.

The biggest reason women gave for becoming a full-time housewife was �wanting to concentrate on housekeeping and childrearing�, an answer which totaled 55.2%.�� Other reasons included wanting to devote time to their hobbies (25.5%) and just being lazy (15%).

When the women were asked, �Do you think you will become a full-time housewife?�, 68% said it was highly unlikely they would, while 32% are considering the possibility.

As for the men, well they seem to be gearing their attitudes toward the Western way of doing things. When asked if they want housewives or working wives, 63% are against the idea of a housewife, and want a wife that works.� Furthermore, 60.1% of Japanese men said they want a working wife and 30.1% would try to persuade her not to become a housewife, so that leaves a mere 9.7% of men who want women to stay at home full-time.

Source: bizmakoto

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