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Concerts / Events
Posted by Novaforever0 pt Thursday, September 16, 2010

VAMPS to hold secret live somewhere in Tokyo


Rock duo VAMPS has announced that tomorrow, they will be holding a secret live at 5PM.

VAMPS wrapped up their nationwide tour "VAMPS LIVE 2010 BEAST" at Zepp Tokyo last night and teased about the secret show.� The location will be announced on the official site, but they wanted to keep it a secret to give their fans the best possible experience.

On the day of the show, the location will be announced on their official website.� Fans need to rush to the venue, where there will be a lottery waiting for them.� Those who win the lottery will be able to buy tickets to the live event.� They will cut off the lottery and sales as soon as they hit capacity for the secret venue.� This has a lot of fans wondering where the show could be, since the size of the venue will greatly affect how many people will be able to win the lottery tickets to get inside.

VAMPS did several other secret lives earlier in the summer and this seems to be a promotional idea that they, and their fans, have a lot of fun with!


Source:� natalie

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