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Concerts / Events
Posted by Novaforever0 pt Wednesday, October 27, 2010

ORANGE RANGE takes over Shibuya with free live


On October 25th, rock group ORANGE RANGE held a special free premium live event at the Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE, much to the excitement of all their fans.

The special live was in celebration of the release of their new album, "orcd," on October 20th.� They opened applications to attend the event and were immediately overwhelmed with over 20,000 applicants.� The lucky 700 attendees were chosen by lottery and were obviously thrilled by the unique stage show they got to witness.

The first song performed was their debut single from 2003, "Kirikirimai."� The temperature then rose in the small live house as they played songs from their new album and past hits for their happy fans.

Fans who weren't able to win tickets to the album live were able to tune into the show through Ustream, and the stream logged more than 3,000 viewers.� On top of that, ten minutes of the live stream took over the big television screen overlooking the Hachiko crossing in Shibuya, causing much excitement.

ORANGE RANGE will be starting their nation-wide tour, "ORANGE RANGE LIVE TOUR 010-011 ~orcd~," in November.� Fans who couldn't win tickets to the special album launch live event will be able to go to the concert tour and enjoy the new songs there.


Source & Photos : natalie

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