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Posted by MelonSoba0 pt Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Ryoma-den" set to air in Taiwan, Korea, Thailand


NHK Enterprises announced the international broadcast of the Taiga drama "Ryoma-den" at a press conference in Tokyo earlier today. The drama is currently set to air in Taiwan, Korea, and Thailand, with negotiations in China, Hong Kong, and Vietnam as well.

Fukuyama Masaharu (41), who portrays the drama's main character, Sakamoto Ryoma, was there to address media affiliates from each country.� "This is a story that crosses boarders," Fukuyama stated. "I hope you enjoy it."� Fukuyama also expressed his wish to expand his work in the music industry and to perform concerts throughout Asia.

"Ryoma-den" is Fukuyama's first Taiga drama. Shooting began in October 5th of last year, and only just finished earlier this month.� "It's neither a success story nor a hero's tale, but rather a coming of age drama," Fukuyama said at the press conference.� "It's the story of a young nobody growing to influence the whole country, but it incorporates his failures and setbacks as well as farewells and bitterness.� It shows the bittersweet side of things."

"From the beginning, Fukuyama gave a soulful performance and we struggled to keep up," said producer Suzuki Kei.� "I pray that this feeling will reach our audiences abroad as well."

NHK VP Amagi Yukihiko also attended the conference, stating, "It is extremely rare that a drama begin foreign broadcasting before it finishes broadcasting in Japan.� This shows our high aspirations for this drama."

"Ryoma-den" began broadcasting January 3rd, 2010 with viewer ratings at 23.2%.� The drama's average high rating to date is 24.4% (Video Research, Ltd. ?Kanto Region), and it was rated as the most popular drama for the first half of the year in Japan.

"Ryoma-den" will air in Taiwan beginning on November 15th, every Monday~Friday from 10pm; in Korea starting next January (time and days TBA); and in Thailand starting next February on Thursdays and Fridays from 8:20pm.

Source: Oricon

Image: DramaWiki

  2. NHK
  4. TAIGA
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