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Posted by Shiso TH STAFF Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Care for a little Shiitake mushroom with your phone?" - Japan unveils real mushroom charm


In Japan, it's incredibly popular to tie charms (or 'straps') onto your cell phones - cute ones, weird ones, mascots, and even luxury brands are used to personalize one's phone. Consequently, there are a wide variety of charms to choose from, but would you consider a real Shiitake mushroom for your cell phone?

This "Shiitake Strap" (?498 / $6.11) is on sale at Strapya, an online site which specializes in selling many different cell phone charms.�Strapya included some official instructions on how to use the "Shiitake mushroom" charm:

"This product is very delicate with humidity, and it could be soft if touched by water. �(If it gets soft, please make it sunbaked.)"
"Since it's made with natural Shiitake, each strap can be different size, color, and shape."
"Although it is a real Shiitake, it's not eatable."

We can't help but wonder what type of clients would purchase this item. Perhaps they're saving it for an emergency situation, even if the Strapya insists that it's not "eatable".

Unfortunately for all you Shiitake fans out there, this product is not available outside of Japan.

Source & Photos: Strapya

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