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Music Releases
Posted by Sujin0 pt Friday, November 12, 2010

the pillows announce new album, "HORN, AGAIN"


the pillows have certainly been keeping themselves busy lately, as they've just announced another upcoming single!

Having already revealed that fans should expect the upcoming single "Movement" for December 1st, the pillows have got another treat set up for next year.�"HORN, AGAIN" will be their first full-length album for 2011, and is scheduled to hit shelves on January 26th.

Their last album "OOPARTS" was released 13 months ago, so this new album will be the focus for their new tour, "the pillows HORN, AGAIN TOUR",�starting February 18th, 2011.

Although the official album jacket has yet to be unveiled, we've got the tracklist down below.


< Track list >
1. Limp tomorrow
2. Give me up!
3. Movemnet
4. Lily, my sun
5. Biography
6. Sad Fad Love
7. Nobody knows what blooms
9. Brilliant Crown
10. Doggie Howl

Source: natalie

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