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Posted by kurumi0 pt Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nakagawa Shoko takes her act to Hollywood


Blogging queen Nakagawa Shoko wrote a slew of blog entries featuring pictures of her trip to Hollywood!

The dorky otaku idol, widely known on the internet for her obsession with anime, horror, cosplay, and taking pictures of herself eating her cat's head, is also famous for posting more blog entries than any sane person with access to the internet. A few days ago, she arrived in America and has been posting on her blog non-stop.

In her entries, Shoko shows pictures of herself standing next to various celebrities' names, shopping for Rapunzel goods, meeting (and being killed by) Jason, and even posing in an American supermarket.

Check out some her funny pictures below!

Source:�Nakagawa Shoko's Blog

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