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Posted by soysauce4140 pt Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kato Seishiro becomes a teacher for SoftBank Mobile


Popular child actor Kato Seishiro (9) will be making his first appearance in a new�SoftBank Mobile commercial. He will be taking on the role of a teacher in the popular "Shiratoke" commercial series. Following Gattsu Ishimatsu's appearance as another teacher, seeing Kato Seishiro's role will be interesting.

The commercial will feature a class being taught outdoors, where viewers can see beautiful blue skies and scenery. There, Kato Seishiro will come out in a white lab coat, and he will preach some words of wisdom by saying, "They bring you up but suddenly bring you down" or "The higher they bring you up, the larger the drop."

Although this was his first attempt at a teaching role, Kato Seishiro performed his role with such wit that it surprised many people. He also ad-libbed some lines, such as,�"You got it?" or "Do you understand?", role playing as a teacher who is being strict and critical to the students. �Speaking of the students, those in the class include Takei Emi and Matsuko Deluxe.

When asked how he felt about his role as a teacher, Kato Seishiro replied with a smile, saying, "I think I understand a little bit of what it means to be a teacher now." He also commented about the white dog, who is the father in the commercial series, saying,�"I've met him once before, but that time I couldn't really get to interact with him, but this time I was able to. He's so cute! I had a lot of fun!"

The new SoftBank Mobile commercial featuring Kato Seishiro will start airing on February 26th.

Source: Oricon Style

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