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Posted by kurumi0 pt Wednesday, March 23, 2011

GO!GO!7188's vocalist Akko gives birth to a baby girl


[caption id="attachment_138058" align="aligncenter" width="438" caption="From left to right: Akko, Yuu, and Turkey"][/caption]

GO!GO!7188's�vocalist/bass player Akko recently announced that she's given birth to a baby girl!

Akko revealed through GO!GO!7188's official website that she gave birth on March 13th, but refrained from posting about it until after the chaos from the Tohoku earthquake had subsided a bit. Despite going into labor a little earlier than expected, both the mother and baby are in good health.

The band has been on hiatus since Akko announced that she was five months pregnant last October.

Congratulations to Akko on her healthy baby!

Source: natalie

  1. BABY
  2. GOGO7188
  3. AKKO
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