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Posted by bazinga0 pt Friday, March 4, 2011

Koda Kumi reveals her serious attitude on dating


As we reported earlier, singer Koda Kumi held a free live event on March 3rd to celebrate the release of her new album, "Dejavu". During the event, she confessed to fans, "I like someone [right now]!"

In the interview following the live, she told the media, "I'm always in love." She kept the identity of her current crush a secret, but said that the person is "fun and someone whom I can respect." Although she says there's no plans for marriage as of yet, she stated firmly, "I'm serious every time. I don't date unless marriage is on the table!"

Koda made homemade chocolates for her mystery crush on Valentine's Day, and said with a smile that she will be waiting for a return gift on White Day. (White Day is a Japanese holiday held on March 14th, in which guys give responding chocolates to girls who gave them sweets on Valentine's Day).

Source: Sponichi

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