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Concerts / Events
Posted by bazinga0 pt Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hamada Tatsuomi and Nakayama Hideyuki to promote environmental awareness


[caption id="attachment_147531" align="aligncenter" width="422" caption="Hamada Tatsuomi (left) and Nakayama Hideyuki (right) will pair up to spread an environmental message."][/caption]

Child actor Hamada Tatsuomi (10) and talent Nakayama Hideyuki (43) have been chosen as the ambassadors for Nihon TV's 8th Environmental Conservation Campaign, and on April 27th, the duo attended a PR meeting, where they shared their views on the environment.

Hamada told the media, "I try to make sure I don't leave the water running or the lights on. When I become an adult, I hope the environment becomes more green."

Nakayama commented, "I grew up in a time where (everything was) about being easier to live, being more convenient, and now there's a conclusion that (we) didn't anticipate. It's too late to say'start tomorrow'. We have to show the right way for the children."

When Hamada showed his maturity by stating, "If we don't work hard now, we'll never be able to work hard," an impressed Nakayama added, "I have children around the same age, but (I don't know) how you could raise (a child) like this."

Nihon TV's campaign will run from May 29th to June 5th, and during this time Hamada and Nakayama will appear on various programs to spread their message.

Source + Photo: Nikkan Sports

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