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Posted by Kanki0 pt Sunday, May 22, 2011

AKB48 research student Suzuki Shihori is promoted to Team B!


AKB48 research student Suzuki Shihori has officially been promoted to Team B�again!

Suzuki, originally a 7th generation research student, was promoted to Team B back in 2009, but �graduated� from the group before performing with them. Rumors claim she left because she felt she wasn�t �good enough� to be an official team member.

However, Suzuki returned to the 48-franchise as an 11th generation research student and was put on the fast track, jumping ahead of 9th and 10th generation research students to re-claim her position on Team B.

Many people are happy that Suzuki has returned to her rightful position on Team B, but there are others who believe she should have been promoted after the current 9th and 10th generation research students due to leaving on her own in the first place.

Regardless, congratulations Suzuki Shihori we look forward to seeing you as a part of the cutest team in AKB48!

Source: AKB48's Official Blog

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  2. TEAM-B
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