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Concerts / Events
Posted by halicolipocky0 pt Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ikimonogakari performs with TUBE's Maeda Nobuteru in Yokohama!


On July 24th, Ikimonogakari held their second consecutive concert at Yokohama Stadium.

While the show was a huge hit from start to finish, the encore ended the night on an exuberant note, as TUBE�s vocalist, Maeda Nobuteru (46), made a surprise appearance during that stage. Maeda proposed that Ikimonogakari and TUBE collaborate for a charity live at Kugenuma Kaigan in Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture. Ikimonogakari�s Yoshioka Kiyoe (27) responded with �Certainly!� and accepted the offer.

The band played 22 songs in total at this performance including �YELL�. Furthermore, Maeda played his band�s hit song, �Aah Natsuyasumi� as well.

Since this is Ikimongakari�s first appearance and live at Yokohama Stadium, leader Mizuno Yoshiki (28) commented, �We will continue to make music so that we can stand on this stage numerous times once again.�

Their two-night performance attracted approximately 60,000 fans in total, and was broadcasted live in not only in Japan, but in Hong Kong and Taiwan as well.

Check out the event photos below!

[gallery link="file"]

Source: Sanspo
Images: Oricon News

  2. TUBE
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