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Concerts / Events
Posted by soysauce4140 pt Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tano Shingo talks about his 'mystery man'


Comedian Tano Shingo (32) attended a press event for the movie 'I Am Number Four' in Tokyo on July 5th. During the event, Tano revealed that there is a mystery man in his life who is continuously hitting on him.

Tano's wallet was stolen in May and unfortunately lost his second wallet as well. The second wallet, according to Tano, "was a present from the man at the Ramen shop". He had over 300,000 yen inside the wallet to pay for rent and other utilities. "I bought a new wallet. I only put 10,000 yen inside so I should be fine," commented Tano.

In response to the young man WHO gave him a wallet, Tano responded, "He is very aggressive, and told me that he will take me anywhere I want to go. When he came over to my house, he said 'Shingo-kun this is a present for you' and brought me a big Char Siu." When asked who he wanted to watch 'I Am Number Four' with, he responded, "The man from the Ramen shop" with a smile.

Source and Photo: Sponichi

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