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Concerts / Events
Posted by ustar TH STAFF Saturday, August 20, 2011

DREAMS COME TRUE holds a successful live for disaster victims


On August 19th, pop duo DREAMS COME TRUE held a free live to cheer on disaster victims at Rikuzentakata in Iwate.

To kick off the live, vocalist Yoshida Miya called out, "I will sing with all my heart for everyone who's doing their best." The duo then sang many songs that were requested after the earthquake, including "Nandodemo".

The concert achieved its purpose, as attendees related that they felt encouraged to keep moving forward. "I was given hope for tomorrow. I want to do my best with work," said Yamamoto Miho (29), a business woman from�Ofunato whose office was washed away from the tsunami. Kamata Tomoe (17), a high school student who lives in temporary housing shared, "I've been cheered up by hearing her voice.�I'm glad they came."

"Dorikamu Tohoku Free Live" was planned by the duo after receiving many messages from disaster victims stating, "We want to hear your songs in person." They are scheduled to hold lives at Miyagi, Fukushima, and Ibaraki on the 20th and 21st.

Source: Sanspo

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