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Posted by halicolipocky0 pt Friday, August 26, 2011

Fukuyama Masaharu to meet his great-great-grandchild in his new CM?


On August 25th, tire company �Rop� announced that their image character Fukuyama Masaharu (42) would release a new CM titled, �Time Travel: Future�, on August 26th.

This upcoming CM features a concept similar to his previous CMs, where he traveled 100 year in the past. This time, however, he'll be traveling 100 years into the future, where he will meet his great-great-grandchild, Hamada Tatsuomi (10). Hamada has co-starred with Fukuyama before in the NHK Taiga Drama, �Ryomaden�, when he took on the childhood role of historical figure Sakamoto Ryoma.

The setting of this CM is set in the winter, so when Hamada almost slipped on the road of ice, Fukuyama advised, �It would be better if you walk hard and rough against the ice,� before talking about the performance of the tire he is endorsing.

Stay tuned to tokyohive for more updates!

Source & Image: Sanspo

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