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Posted by ustar TH STAFF Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu talks about her debut with Oricon


Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - who released her debut mini-album, "Moshi Moshi Harajuku", on August 17th -�recently held a special interview with Oricon.

Check out her full interview below!


Interviewer: On what�occasion was it decided that you were going to debut with Nakata Yasutaka-san (capsule) as the producer?

Kyary: I appeared as a DJ at Nakata-san's event that he holds every month for teens called, "TAKENOKO!!!". We all went out to eat, and I received an offer to make an artist debut during the winter of my senior year in high school.

Interviewer: You became a model as a result of a street snapshot on "KERA!" magazine. Did you like fashion since you were young?

Kyary: Honestly, I was in a regular track club until middle school, and I had no interest in fashion. When I entered high school, my friends changed instantly, and I started growing interest in 'gyaru' clothes and make-up. One day, I was walking in Harajuku with a friend, wearing a big ribbon on my head, and they took a snapshot of me. Since then, I was put on the pages, so I thought, "I need to be more fashionable!", and learned by watching PVs from foreign artists.

Interviewer: Do you think music and fashion should not be separated?

Kyary: To be honest, I didn't listen to music that much. I was really someone with a lot of energy who liked to play outside. But because of those opportunities, I was stimulated by watching videos from many different artists. In particular, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga; also I really like�Gwen Stefani's "Harajuku Girls". Many fashionable and cute girls gather in Harajuku, so I thought, "that's super cute", and that's where I started to devote myself into fashion.

Interviewer:�What do you think of Nakata Yasutaka-san's music?

Kyary: Oh, I love it! I'm a big fan; I listen to capsule, Perfume, MEG, all of them! I really like Perfume's song, "Perfume". I also like "One Room Disco". So when I first that he wanted to produce my songs, I thought, "they're all lying. Is there a hidden camera?" It didn't seem real when we were recording, and I wasn't really nervous; it was just fun. When the CD package was made, it finally hit me. It's really like a dream, so I'm happy.

Interviewer:�When creating songs, did you talk with Nakata-san?

Kyary: Not really, but when we were all dining together, I shared my favorite color and food, and my views of the world. Then, I was suddenly asked, "Kyary, which do you like more, strawberry or cherry?" I answered normally, "I like cherry more," and they were like, "Okay~". I went in the next day and the lyrics to "Cherry Bonbon" was completed.

Interviewer:�That's what happened!�The lyrics are filled with Kyary-language.

Kyary: Nakata-san wrote it, but when I first looked at it, I was surprised at how cute it was! Words like, "PONPONPON way way way", is lovely; it's also catchy and easy to sing.

Interviewer:�Is there anything in particular that's your favorite?

Kyary: "Kyary no March" is good, but I also like "Cherry Bonbon". I like the sense of repetition, it's like Nakata-san's unique "Chocolate Disco". It's cute. Also, the highlight is the cover of capsule's "jelly". When I went to the studio, I was told, "Today, you will be covering 'jelly'," and I was like, "What? Can I sing capsule's famous song?"

Interviewer:�Did you feel pressure?

Kyary: I did. In the original song, Koshijima-san's voice is really sexy. I thought that if I sing it, I might bring down the image of the song, or I might change it too much. I sang it while thinking about a lot of things. My version of "jelly" is a borderline between a child and adult; it's 'bishojo'-like with a cute voice.

Interviewer:�The PV for 'PONPONPON' is also really cute.

Kyary: I talked with the director a lot about that video. I talked about how I was good at riding the unicycle when I was little, and that I want to try popping, and the director told me, "That sounds interesting." It was also really fun doing the 'kamehameha'. The set was really cute, and I thought of the costume myself. The brain and eyeball was made without it being too cute. It also has a little 'gurokawa' (grotesque and cute) factor in it.

Interviewer:�Kyary's not just cute, I think that's your charm.

Kyary: Yes. My dreams expanded and I'm excited thinking about how the next song and PV.

Interviewer:�Even so, this is a world debut for Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. It's amazing.

Kyary: Mexico, France... so much people from around the world send me messages on twitter. I was surprised. I'm happy seeing messages like, "PONPONPON is the best!" I reply to them while using a translating website.

Interviewer:�Does this mean a world tour?

Kyary: Does it? Anyway, I want to appear on a music program as an artist!

Interviewer:�Then, please tell me what your recommended fashion item is!

Kyary: A bone barrette! It's also in my PV. Everyone, enjoy 'gurokawa' by wearing bones!

Source: Oricon

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