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Music Releases
Posted by Kanki0 pt Tuesday, August 16, 2011

RAINBOW reveals their ab dance in Japan for the first time!


We previously reported that Korean girl group RAINBOW are preparing for their Japanese debut on September 14th with their track �A�. The �ab dance� that was banned for being too sexy in Korea is now going to be shown full force in Japan.

The dance has the girls cross their arms and teasingly lift up their shirts while shaking their hips. Originally released last August in Korea, broadcasting stations banned their music video and told them they couldn�t show their stomachs during music program appearances. In Japan, the ban has been lifted completely, allowing the girls to show their stomachs in the music video.

Currently, it's said that the First Press orders for �A� are 1.5 times more than that of KARA�s debut song ,�Mister�. The group is looking to surpass their labelmate seniors, as leader Jae Kyung commented, �I think everyone can get into RAINBOW�s charms.�

The girls of RAINBOW explained that they had to go on a diet to ensure the �ab dance� in �A� looked even cooler than before. Ji Sook commented that although Japan has a lot of delicious food, they�re worried that they won�t be able to eat any of it because of their diets.

This autumn, RAINBOW is looking to take over Japan with the �ab dance�! Be sure to check back with tokyohive for more updates!


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Source: Sanspo & Mezamashi TV

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