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Posted by Kanki0 pt Sunday, August 21, 2011

Satoda Mai stole an umbrella from a shop??


On August 19th, Satoda Mai confessed that she took someone else�s umbrella from a shop she was visiting.

Writing on her official blog, Satoda explained, �It was raining, so I left my house today with my large plastic umbrella. I saw a little shop I wanted to check out, so I put my umbrella in the umbrella stand. Around 10 minutes later, I came out of the shop. I looked into the umbrella stand for my umbrella� but it was gone. Mine was gone.

Satoda then said there was only one umbrella� in the umbrella stand, and it wasn�t hers. She stood there for a while looking� into the crowd for her umbrella, but to no avail. She explained, �Somebody has my umbrella, so I had no choice but to use this one.

Hilariously, Satoma confessed that she felt a complex as she opened up the umbrella that wasn�t hers. �This one is rusty� This one has a hole in it� The rain is so cold. Where is my umbrella? I hope you�re being taken care of somewhere. G-O-O-D-B-Y-E.

Would you have taken a stranger's umbrella if you were in her shoes? Tell us what you would have done below!

Source: Satoda Mai's Official Blog

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