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Concerts / Events
Posted by ustar TH STAFF Monday, January 16, 2012

Alice Nine holds special live at Akagi Shrine


On January 15th, visual kei band Alice Nine held a special live at Akagi Shrine in Kagurazaka, Tokyo.

Before the live, the members were purified by the Shinto pried, and prayed for success for their new album, "9". Wearing a�haori and�hakama (Japanese male formal attire), Hiroto commented, "My body has become tense," while Shou stated, "I was able to feel that I'm a Japanese man." They also�shared that this was their first Hatsumode (first shrine visit of the New Year) as a band, and said, "It has become a good memory."

After the prayers, Alice Nine held their special live at an area under the shrine. In front of 200 fans, the band performed a total of 8 songs including their latest track, "Niji no Yuki". The live wrapped up as Shou called out, "We plan to go at full speed in 2012, so please lend us your power!"

Check out photos of the event below!

[gallery link="file" columns="4"]

Source & Photos: Oricon

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