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Posted by simplymissj0 pt Friday, January 13, 2012

Cast members appear for "Lucky Seven" press conference


On January 12th, stars of the new Fuji TV getsuku or primetime drama, �Lucky Seven� including (Mondays, 9PM) � Arashi�s Matsumoto Jun (28), Eita (29), ?izumi Y? (38), Matsushima Nanako (38), and �Naka Riisa (22) � �appeared at a press conference for the drama held in Tokyo.� The drama is set to begin airing on January 16th.

With the theme of "the bonds of friendship" and the �Kitashinagawa Lucky Detective Agency� as the setting of the drama, the story depicts the conflicts between seven individualistic detectives and how despite conflicts, they're able to work together to successfully solve one case after another. This getsuku drama is a rarity as it is also quite action-packed.

Matsumoto stars as the main character, novice detective Tokita Shuntaro. He displayed confidence in the drama as he stated that, �It is an extremely interesting drama filled with action and entertainment; it is also a bright and energetic drama. I think that it is an enjoyable piece of work from any point of view and is different from all of the getsuku dramas that have aired.� He displayed a smile while speaking about the production of the drama and said, �During filming we also had a lot of dialogue with each other. There were many times where we expanded on the scenes in the script. It was enjoyable how it was very fresh every time we filmed a new scene.�

The question of �The drama depicted detectives, so if you were a detective, who would you investigate?� was then posed to the cast. They gave various candid answers: �I would like to know what Nanako-san does normally?� (Matsumoto) �I would like to know what MatsuJun does at home.� (Eita) �I want to know if ?izumi-san really has naturally curly hair� (Naka) and amongst those candid answers, ?izumi began with �Since I don't really see a report about Matsujun about this....� �Then ?izumi directly asked Matsumoto, "Do you have a girlfriend? I wonder how you are doing about that matter. You are not so young anymore, so I'm curious." �To ?izumi's sudden and straight question, all Matsumoto could answer was "I'll talk about that with you in the back."

More photos from the press conference below:

[gallery link="file"]

Source: Sponichi Annex
Image: Mantan Web

  3. EITA
  5. LUCKY-7
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