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Music Releases
Posted by ustar TH STAFF Thursday, February 16, 2012

Visual kei band Administrator to disband


Visual kei band Administrator has announced that they will be disbanding after their one-man live, "trident in the Ace act ZERO", on May 4th.

Regarding the disbandment, guitarist Kousuke explained, "The reason is that the members all have different ways of thinking. Until now, we made decisions that was best for the members and the band, but this time, we were driven into a situation in which we had to choose to disband."

He continued, "If all 4 of us couldn't face in the same direction, we thought that we shouldn't continue. We didn't want people to listen to something we made with scattered thoughts."

Administrator is a 4-man band comprised of�Akuta (Vo),�Kousuke (G),�Takuya (B), and�Ryu (Dr). The band formed in 2008 and released their first album, "CROSS", back in October.

Source & Image: natalie

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