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Music Releases
Posted by Sujin0 pt Friday, April 27, 2012

Sakanaction reveals cover for "Boku to Hana"


Earlier this month rock band Sakanaction announced they will be providing the new theme song, "Boku to Hana" to drama series '37-sai de Isha ni Natta Boku ~Kenshui Junjou Monogatari~'. Now the cover and some additional information has been released.

"Boku to Hana" will contain three songs including a remix of their previous single "Rookie". The additional song will be "Neptunes" and the first press will contain a 20-page booklet. The CD jacket is designed by kamikkene (Hatos) who came up with the idea of a having the members illustrated on the news paper's TV program list, to tie into the drama.

This is their 6th single and is scheduled to released on May 30th.


< 'Boku to Hana' >

1. Boku to Hana
2. Neptunes
3. Rookie (Takkyu Ishino Remix)

Source: natalie

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