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Music Releases
Posted by ustar TH STAFF Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sowelu to go on hiatus


Sowelu has announced through her official blog that she will be going on hiatus after�her last album, "29 Tonight", which will be released on May 30th.

Regarding her hiatus, Sowelu explained that it was decided not because she's going to quit singing, but because she wants to continue singing. "If I continue running like this, I thought that a day would come when I wouldn't be able to continue singing," she said.

During the production process of "29 Tonight", Sowelu also realized that she was missing many things, and seriously felt that she needed room for growth. She expressed, "It's not that I want to become better at singing, but I feel that growing as a person is the only way to become a better artist."

Sowelu also revealed that she broke up with her boyfriend in order to change her weak self and face music earnestly. From here on, she plans to open up other possibilities by challenging herself to things she's never done before such as going overseas and holding performances on the streets.

Source: natalie

  2. 29-TONIGHT
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