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Music Releases
Posted by Sujin0 pt Thursday, June 28, 2012

lynch. releases regular music video of "A FLARE"


Last month rock band lynch. released full covers and music videos for "INFERIORITY COMPLEX", "FROZEN", and the SEVENCORE version of "A FLARE".

The songs are part of the band's new album "INFERIORITY COMPLEX" which came out on June 27th. They also just announced they will be touring this summer starting on July 6th in Sapporo and ending on September 23rd in Kochi.

Although they released the music video to "A FLARE" it was the online game version. Their label King Records has now released the full regular music video of "A FLARE", check it out below!


Source: King Records YouTube Channel

  1. LYNCH
  3. A-FLARE
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