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Anime / Manga
Posted by simplymissj0 pt Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Toriko, One Piece, and Dragon Ball Z to collaborate for one-hour special


On February 5, it was announced that in April, Fuji TV�s ongoing anime �Toriko� will collaborate with the animes �One Piece� and �Dragon Ball Z� for a special one-hour program titled �Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Chou Collab Special� to commemorate the Toriko�s third year. The special will air on April 7 at 9 AM.

Last April, �Toriko� and �One Piece� collaborated to create a special and received a�favorable response.�This year, they hope to receive the same reception with the addition of �Dragon Ball Z�. �Heroes Toriko, Luffy, and Goku will all appear together on the same screen for the first time.

The special will feature a race titled �Tenkaichi Kuoukai� sponsored by IGO (International Gourmet Organization) where Toriko and gourmet hunters belong. The grand prize of the race is a luxury ingredient, and Toriko and his fellows as well as the Straw Hat Pirates from�One Piece enter to obtain the ingredient. Goku and his Dragon Ball members also enter the race, and a fierce battle ensues to determine the winner.

Source and Image: Sanspo

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