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Posted by ustar TH STAFF Thursday, July 11, 2013

Actor Uchino Masaaki changes his name to 'Uchino Seiyo'

Uchino Seiyo, Uchino Masaaki

On July 10, actor Uchino Masaaki announced through his official website that he has changed his name to 'Uchino Seiyo'. 

Regarding his name change, he explained, "There are still a few people who are called 'Seiyo' with?? (kanji for Masaaki). There was also a part of me who called myself 'Uchino Seiyo' with ???? (kanji for Uchino Masaaki). I thought that it would be better to go with the simple 'onyomi' (Chinese-derived pronunciation)." While 'Masaaki' was the name he received from his parents, he will continue acting with the name 'Seiyo'. 

Uchino revealed, "I don't know how much longer I will pursue my career as an actor, but I wanted to polish up my performance." He continued, "I'm sure there are people surprised by the sudden name change, but I hope to go by 'Uchino Seiyo' as my actor name."

Uchino is scheduled to appear in the stage play, 'TRUE WEST ~Honmono no Seibu~' (September to October 2013), and will also star in the movie, 'Ieji' (Spring 2014 release). 


Source & Image: Cinema Today

  1. Uchino Seiyo
  2. Uchino Masaaki
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