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Posted by Ari-Gold TH STAFF Thursday, November 9, 2023

YOSHIKI to Share Heartfelt Announcement as X JAPAN Tomorrow: A Moment of Reflection


On the 9th, YOSHIKI, the creative force behind X JAPAN, shared a thoughtful message on his X account, "Just returned from NY to LA," he began. "We plan to make an official announcement as X JAPAN sometime tomorrow." It also had the hashtags #HEATH and #XJAPAN, so it's likely that the announcement will be connected to HEATH.

Earlier on the 8th, YOSHIKI mentioned being in New York and alluded to news about the members against the wishes of his relatives. He expressed a need for time to discuss the past and future events, promising to share his feelings afterward

X JAPAN, a legendary presence in the music world, has consistently captivated global audiences with their iconic sound and lasting impact.

As fans eagerly await the official word, it's clear that YOSHIKI's message is one of reflection and emotion, hinting at a personal and significant development. We stand by the X JAPAN community during this uncertain moment.

  1. X JAPAN
  3. HEATH
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