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Music Releases
Posted by Novaforever0 pt Tuesday, October 5, 2010

SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS announces unique cover album


The internationally active jazz band SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS have finally announced a new release, this time for a jazz cover album titled "SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS presents Stoned Pirates Radio."

The band wants to give the cover album the feel of a pirated radio show mix tape, quite a unique concept for a jazz release.� The entire album won't be singular songs, but one flowing piece that will be narrated by a the voice of a yet unnamed foreign DJ.� It will have short skits by the members and even made up commercials in between the segments.

In all the 'mix tape' will come out to a long 70 minutes of continuous sound.� The songs that will be playing in the faux radio broadcast will be famous movie themes and other songs that music fans of all ages will be able to recognize.� SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS won't just limit it to jazz either.� They will expand the music out into reggae, soca, �and ska sounds to explore new genres.� It will still maintain the band's sound, but will certainly sound a bit different.

This is certainly a really interesting concept for an album release, one that will get people who don't even follow the band interested as well.� For fans, this is made all the sweeter as the group hasn't put out a release in over a year due to their international activities.

Check out their single from last year, "Paraiso!"

Source: neowing

Photo: SOIL & PIMP official

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