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Music Releases
Posted by Novaforever0 pt Wednesday, November 24, 2010

AKB48's Matsui Sakiko stars in PENGIN's new PV, "Yuri no Hanasaku Kou de"


PENGIN will be releasing their new single, "Yuri no Hanasaku Kou de", on December 1st, and to make things even more exciting for the pop group, their PV for the song will star AKB48 K team member,�Matsui Sakiko.

This will be the first time that Matsui has appeared in a music video that wasn't for AKB48.� The pop idol is actually a fan of PENGIN, so when the group stopped by the AKB48 theater, it lead to her starring in their new video clip.

After she received the offer from PENGIN, Matsu commented, "I'm a fan of PENGIN and their new song is good and I've heard it tens of hundreds of times!� The fact that I'll be in PENGIN's music video, I'm just so happy!"� She continued on to state that, "This is the first time I've been in a music video outside of AKB48's, on the first scene the atmosphere was so completely different. �AKB48's music videos always have so many girl members around for the recording.� It was confusing not having them around."

The PENGIN music video will be released on December 15th and will come with the second PENGIN album, "PENGIN FAMILY," in the first press limited edition with a DVD.� Fans who pick up the album on the first day will get a PENGIN x AKB48's Matsui poster as a special present.

Digital downloads through Chaku-Uta for the track will start on November 24th, and fans who buy the song that way also have a chance at a special gift.� There will be a special secret live somewhere in Tokyo on December 14th, and fans who purchase the digital single will be entered into a lottery to win tickets to the event.


Source & Photos : natalie

  1. AKB48
  2. PV
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