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Posted by CM1 pt Saturday, January 8, 2011

Goto Maki appears on "Downtown DX" and incites gamer fanboys


The show "Downtown DX" took a trip into Goto Maki's residence recently, and it was revealed that her home has quite a sizable (by Japanese standards) gaming room, and it would seem that she's quite a dedicated gamer.

While many fans were glad to see that she's into video games, it was shown that she had two Wiis, two televisions, and an Xbox 360, but no PlayStation 3.

Given the huge amount of console wars and console fanboys, it's no surprise that this quickly became an issue of discussion on the Internet, with Wii and Xbox 360 fans showering her with praise and PlayStation 3 fans in disbelief.

Netizens commented, "Two�Wiis lol what for lol", "There is no PS3", "What about a PS3?", "GoMaki is no true gamer", and "She says that she is a true gamer, but yet she doesn't even have a Playstation 3... strange."

The whole console war issue is such a tired and pointless debate, and I honestly don't know why the Japanese netizens have to make a big deal out of it.

Source: RocketNews24

  4. WII
  5. XBOX-360
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