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Music Releases
Posted by Novaforever0 pt Friday, January 14, 2011

POLYSICS reveal cover art and concept for new album


As we previously reported, dance/rock group POLYSICS will be dropping their new album, "Oh! No! It's Heavy Polysick!!!," on March 9th, and they have just revealed the interesting cover art for the release.

The album is covered with images of the group members hidden among many of their close staff members.� Everyone is wearing the trademark POLYSICS visors and blending perfectly together.� They explained that the idea for the album title was "people with a severe poly-sickness."� The album art helps emphasize everyone that has caught the bug from their catchy music.

"Oh! No! It's Heavy Polysick!!!" comes out on March 9th and will be the first album released with the new three member lineup.� It will also be their first full album release in about a year.

Source & Photo : natalie

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