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Music Releases
Posted by kurumi0 pt Saturday, December 24, 2011

Yazawa Erika + Fonchi officially graduate from Idoling!!!


On December 23rd, original Idoling!!! members Yazawa Erika (Idoling #7) and Fonchi (Idoling #8) finally graduated from the group during their Fuji TV program "Idoling!!!", where they said goodbye to their fans with a special live.

Both Yazawa and Fonchi will continue with their own solo activities following their departure from the idol group. "I feel so accomplished, " said Yazawa of her time in Idoling!!!. "Now that [Idoling!!!'s] five year anniversary has passed and I've turned 20, the things I want to do have become clear."

When asked about her future activities, her management showed her enthusiasm to continue in the entertainment industry by stating, "Like Yuuka-san, she'd like to become an MC or something so that she may be loved by other women as well."

Fonchi excitedly talked about her plans to challenge acting in movies or theater. "Up until now, I've been keeping on with activities that have [given me the chance] to stand on my own. After this, I'd like to do plays for myself," she said of her future as an entertainer.

Source + Photo: Nikkan Sports

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