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Posted by HPriest TH STAFF Monday, January 30, 2012

Naka Riisa's foster baby wallaby has passed away


On January 29th, actress Naka Riisa posted some surprising news post on her personal blog. The baby wallaby that she had been fostering for seven months suddenly died after being integrated back into the group with his older brothers.

Naka became the foster mother of the baby wallaby 'Ganba' through the popular animal variety show 'Tensai! Shimura Doubutsuen' (NTV) back in June of 2011. Ganba was two months old and didn't have a mother to take care of him. The actress was already known for being a big animal lover, but for Ganba she put in a lot of effort and love in order to become an appropriate foster mother for him. She even went as far as making the bag for him all by herself and so on.

After seven months of taking care of him like that, it was eventually time to integrate him back into the group of his older brothers. Naka successfully fulfilled her responsibilities as a foster mother. However, soon after the successful integration, Ganba suddenly passed away. According to the people who are breeding the wallabies he crashed into the wall of the breeding hut, but the full details are not yet known.

Naka wrote, "This is just way too sudden. Why did this happen? What am I supposed to do now...?" and "It was too soon for our eternal parting. Right now I can't stop thinking about him."

However, she's still trying to muster her strength and look forward despite the great sorrow. "The only thing I can do now is devoting all of my thoughts to him," she wrote. Naka also mentioned that Ganba must have felt really blessed to receive so much support from the viewers and all of her fans. "I'm going to love you forever! We will definitely meet again!"

Her fans were just as affected by the sad news and left thousands of comments such as: "I can't strop crying," "Ganba was so healthy and yet.. I can't believe that he really passed away," "Ganba must have been really happy to be together with Riisa-chan," and "We will never forget you, Ganba!"

Source: CinemaToday, Naka's blog

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