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Posted by kurumi0 pt Thursday, June 7, 2012

Which artists do fans want to marry?


Users cast their vote on Recochoku's music news website from May 15 until May 29, sending in a total of 1,684 votes over the course of fifteen days. On June 6, Recochoku finally published their annual ranking asking men and women which artist they would love the chance to walk down the aisle with!

Coming in first place for male artists with his fifth consecutive win was Kobuchi Kentarou of Kobukuro, who has dominated this portion of the ranking since 2008. Female voters of all ages swarmed the poll with votes for him, citing his gentle personality and fresh, kind smile as two of the many reasons why they would marry the singer.

"I'd be so happy if he could smile at me with that kind smile of his. I feel like we'd spend every day quietly playing the guitar, taking pictures, things like that," said one 18-year-old girl. Another user in her late twenties responded, "He's not just kind; no matter what trials and tribulations stand in front of him, he has the strength to look forward and overcome them; he's my ideal guy."

For female artists, YUI took first place for the third time in a row since 2010. "[I chose her] because her face and her voice are beautiful, and she has a nice personality, She's my ideal type of girl. If we could get married, I might die from being so happy," said a voter in his teens. Another teen voter commented, "I love the way she loves music comes across [when she sings]. She's great at singing, she's cute, and she's kind. I think she'd be a good mom."

Check out the top three male and female artists below, and let us know what you think in the comments!


< 'Artist You Want to Marry' Ranking 2012 (male) >
1. Kobuchi Kentarou (Kobukuro)
2. Yusuke
3. Kuroda Shunsuke (Kobukuro)

< 'Artist You Want to Marry' Ranking 2012 (female) >
1. YUI
2. miwa
3. Oshima Yuko (AKB48)

Source + Image: Model Press
Tip: CarEAcT

  1. AKB48
  3. YUI
  5. MIWA
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