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Posted by simplymissj0 pt Monday, January 7, 2013

Shaku Yumiko breaks bone in her left foot during filming


It was revealed on January 6 that actress Shaku Yumiko (34) broke a bone while filming for a program at a ski area in Niigata on the 5th.� She will require treatment for 2 months.

According to her agency, around 1 PM on January 5, while filming NHK�s �Shutoken Special �Yukiyama e Go! 2013 Tatsujin to Tanoshimu Fuyu no Meihou�,� Shaku took on the challenge of back country skiing for the first time and fell, during which she injured her leg.� On January 6, she visited a hospital in Tokyo where she was diagnosed with a broken left lateral malleolus and was informed that she would require 2 months of treatment.� She may also have an injury to her left anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).

As her left leg is in a cast, she will use crutches when walking.� Her agency explained that, �She has personally decided that she will continue to work as much as possible.�� Shaku spoke up about her situation and stated, �I do not want to be a bother.� Even if I need to take painkillers, I want to keep working,� and demonstrated her professionalism.

She also apologized to the people affected by her injury on her most recent blog post with, �I did not know how to handle deep snow and I tried too hard during filming, which resulted in the accident.� I take full responsibility for this [unfortunate occurrence.]�� She continued with, �I will work hard to recover from my injury even if it means that I can only recover one day earlier.�

Source & Image: Sanspo

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