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Posted by Kanki0 pt Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sawajiri Erika goes to in-law's home to apologize


Sawajiri Erika's mother, Lila, has told FujiTV the real reason why Erika and her brother went to Takashiro Tsuyoshi's mother's house.

Sawajiri Erika and Takashiro Tsuyoshi are currently in the middle of divorce negotiations and Erika has not met up with her in-laws yet. According to Lila, Erika and her brother went to Takeshiro�s mother�s house with the intention to apologize. "They just went there to apologize. Erika wanted to tell her, 'I apologize that my marriage has gone bad'."

Lila said that Erika hadn�t been able to meet Takashiro�s mother face to face. "Takashiro�s younger sister showed up and got angry at Erika and her brother for causing trouble." Therefore, Erika still wasn�t able to achieve her goal and apologize.

She didn�t explain why Erika visited at that specific time. It�s possible that Erika wanted to make it a "fact" that she apologized to Takashiro�s side before her press conference on the 28th. At the press conference, Erika is expected to discuss her divorce as well as her new relationship with a Spanish man who is said to cultivate marijiuana.

Source: Sanspo

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