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Social Media
Posted by Sujin0 pt Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lead opens official Ameba blog, 'SUN X YOU'!


Dance unit, Lead had their video blog up for quite some time where members recorded their activities and posted it for fans to see. It was also often used to help promote the groups� event activities, but it was only two members, Nakadoi Hiroki and Kagimoto Akira, who opened their own personal blogs on Ameba and shared their daily life with their fans.

This is no longer the case. The group has now opened an official blog, 'SUN x YOU' (Thank You) where all the members update. This includes Taniuchi Shinya and Furuya Keita who never opened a personal blog of their own. Fans can now hear from all four members, but they can rest assure that Hiroki and Akira still have their own blogs open.

The first entry is from leader, Hiroki who introduces the blog and states that Shinya and Keita will also be writing. The day after, Shinya wrote his first entry telling everyone to check back every day to see who will be updating the blog and says that he will answer questions in �Shinya�s Question Corner!� this summer.

Akira posts that same day displaying a miniature stage set for Lead�s tour this summer using legos!

Keita wrote his first blog entry on July 7th. He said that they (Lead) all read all the comments every day. He even posted a photo of himself.

Can you guess who that is planking? And who is Akira sitting on? Check out other photos Lead has posted.

[gallery link="file"]
Source: Official Blog

  1. LEAD
  2. AMEBA
  3. BLOGS
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