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Concerts / Events
Posted by halicolipocky0 pt Monday, March 12, 2012

Gouriki Ayame to deliver a 'Smile' through her own radio show


On March 11th, it was announced that actress Gouriki Ayame (19) will host her own radio show 'Gouriki Ayame Smile s2 Smile' (every Friday at midnight) starting on April 6th.

This will be her first time as a radio personality and she commented, �As one year has passed since the disaster, I want to deliver smiles through my radio,� and told of her aspirations through this medium.

This program will focus on her free talks and how she feels about the past, present, and the future. She will also talk about her friends, family, dance, music, job, to her lifestyle on this radio show as well.

Regarding these segments, Gouriki states, �I want to show the listeners a new side of me � not as �Gouriki Ayame� the actress but �Gouriki Ayame� as a human being. I hope I find out more about myself also."

Source & Image: Sanspo

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