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Posted by simplymissj0 pt Saturday, July 23, 2011

Enka singer Jounouchi Sanae does mini-live performance for her new song Nishimonai Bonuta


On July 21st, Enka singer Jounouchi Sanae, who celebrated the 25th anniversary of her debut in June, sang her new song �Nishimonai Bonuta� in a mini-live performance. �The performance, held�at the�Kawasaki Azalea Sunlight Plaza,�was her commemorative sales event.

The song's theme uses the Akita prefecture�s Ugomachi Nishimonai Bon dance, one of the three most prevalent Bon dances in Japan, as its foundation. It was reported that the singer was given a blue-dyed yukata that is worn during the town's festivals so she could become a tourism ambassador for the city. The singer stated that �I am happy that I am the first tourism ambassador. I want to bring energy to the Tohoku region that was affected greatly by the earthquake.� From August 16 to 18, Jounouchi will participate in the initial performances of the Bon dance.

Check out her new song below:


Source and Image: Sanspo

  1. ENKA
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